After the first couple of days, Monday was always going to be a rest day with just a few short trips scheduled. It turned out to be even moreso than expected due to my dodgy feet and unfit, overweight self.
We headed out in the morning to see the Berlin Computer Museum (or so I thought) and the Stasi Museum. We stopped first at Alexanderplatz to relax and take a couple of photos.
From there we went on to the museums, the first of which I was extremely disappointed to find was actually the Computer Games Museum, which was tiny, and only had a few games (a really poor collection thereof in my opinion) on display. Even the VR exhibit was locked up. Though many of the games were playable, it was definitely not worth the entry cost (even with a discount from the Welcome Card).
What made it worse was that inside, my leg finally collapsed and I had to resort to my stick. We had to give up on the other museum at that point and head back to the hotel. We called in the bar across the road for bier and currywurst, and spent the afternoon resting. Or at least I rested, while Louise slept.
In the evening, we found an Italian Bistro and ate. Since I was still relying on my stick (and sort of still am as I write this, we called it a day and retired early.