Author: Siobhán

Internet troublemaker, consumer of red wine and chocolate.

My Twitter feed…

is hilarious now, watching all the comments on the Tory cabinet reshuffle. Or it would be if it wasn’t so frightening. I thought things were getting bad before, but it makes me think we might have been better off if the “End-Of-The-World” nutters were right and it’ll be all over in December.

No such luck of course, we’re going to have to deal with the consequences ourselves.

And so it begins…

Just a quick introduction post to this new blog.

Some of you may know me from Second Life™, in which case you’ll find any related posts at Sio’s Second Life, which unfortunately hasn’t been updated in a while. It still has some real-world posts, but that’s because it was all I had at the time. Thos will be here in future.

Anyway, more to come once I finish setting up and getting the design right.