Category: Second Life

Streaming Media and Job Search

Not so very long ago, Amazon caused controversy when they added LoveFilm® into their Prime service, and pretty much doubling the price in the process, at least for Prime-only customers. What of those who didn’t want LoveFilm? What of those whose internet would not be up to streaming? What of those who could not afford the price hike? Well, as it happened, I was for once in a good position. My Prime subscription had renewed about a week before the price hike, and so effectively the new service would be free for almost a whole year, the best possible trial I could hope for. (more…)

And so it begins…

Just a quick introduction post to this new blog.

Some of you may know me from Second Life™, in which case you’ll find any related posts at Sio’s Second Life, which unfortunately hasn’t been updated in a while. It still has some real-world posts, but that’s because it was all I had at the time. Thos will be here in future.

Anyway, more to come once I finish setting up and getting the design right.