Belgo Noord

The perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon, with the lovely Louise.

Kwak Kwak!

Posted by Siobhán using WordPress for Android.

Keyboard and Case

BlueTooth Keyboard
Bluetooth Keyboard

Having got fed up with fiddling with tiny keys while composing blog posts, I decided to order a MiniSuit Bluetooth Keyboard from Amazon for my tablet. Pretty cheap, easy to set up and it looks good. The biggest downside I’ve noticed so far is the lack of a £ symbol, so I guess I’ll be using the on-screen for that. Also, the CTRL key doesn’t appear to work with ConnectBot SSH client, although that could just be me needing to do some setup. (more…)

It started with a T

Les Misérables

Last night, when Louise arrived, I told her I’d filed my recent DVD and Blu Ray acquisitions in case she was looking for them. She asked me then whether I’d filed Les Misárables under M, to which I replied that no, I’d put it under L. She told me this was ridiculous, and that I might as well have¹ filed The Time Machine under T. I just looked dumbfounded until she realised what she’d said. (more…)