Today was signing on day, and an early start, which would have been fine except that I couldn’t settle last night and hence had next to no good sleep. As a result, it was only by the power of Lavazza that I was even capable of getting out of the house.
On the way there, I narrowly avoided being hit by a cyclist. This is of course, nothing new. London cyclists tend to have no consideration at all for pedestrians. Anyway, this particular idiot was riding his Brompton across a pedestrian crossing near Marylebone directly into a crowd of people crossing the road the other way. He seemed rather put out that people wouldn’t clear the crossing for him.
So I signed on, then went to Morrison’s to do some shopping. It was starting to rain when I came out, and so in proper fashion, the bus driver kept her door closed and the passengers waiting outside in the rain while she chatted with a friend on her phone. Anyway, we eventually got back and I stepped off the bus at Mornington Crescent station straight into a (rather heavy) shower of hailstones. I took shelter in the bus stop, and then under the trees across from Greater London House, where I stopped to take this blurry yet amusing picture of the cats…

It would appear that they’ve been en-bright-ened!