Words have not been my friends lately, and my posts have been short and infrequent. I suppose we all have days like this, but it’s not helpful. I have ideas that I want to share, but the words wont come, they hide behind feelings, fading into a sea of emotion. Hopefully, I can finally form some kind of sense out of it all.

I have recently updated my links page with a few more friends blogs. I’d recommend that you take a look at some of them and hope you find something of interest. A smaller selection of individual posts can be seen in the sidebar of this post and is automatically updated. Weird Walthamstow has just started to get busier, so that looks like it’ll be worth a follow.

The search for work continues apace, but still with no success. I can do no more than to keep trying… It’s a soul-destroying endeavour but I have no choice. At least it’s not Workfare. On the other hand, the class is getting busier, so I’m not bored here, even if I do have time to work on this post.

My left foot is still painful to walk on, and I’ve been on a stick for a large part of the week. It just doesn’t seem to be getting better at all save for pain killers, and that’s not a route I’m particularly happy with. I guess I have to see the doctor anyway in a couple of weeks, so if its not good by then, I’ll get it looked at. I just feel self conscious about the stick since I don’t actually need it, at least most of the time… it’s just that walking is easier with it.

Friday was a bit strange due to lack of food (just a snack lunchtime) combined with painkillers (for my foot) and strong alcohol in the evening. Louise looked after me and got me to bed, although she didn’t let up on me for the rest of the weekend, accusing me of all the naughtiness! Saturday’s chilli was pretty awesome though, pretty hot as they go (scotch bonnets and red finger chillies) with mince and the works. Leftovers Monday with baked potato and corn bread and Tuesday lunchtime with a potato. It seems to get hotter as the days go on, but now its gone. I think I need a bigger cauldron slow cooker.

Games night was uncomfortable due to the nature and content of the game. I just felt dirty playing it, and not in a good way either. Perhaps some time away from it might be appropriate if things don’t change. Maybe I can even get KSP working again. The memory problem is making it unworkable and I’m going to have to cut down on the mods I use. I can barely get ships to load on the launch pad, let alone get them into space. It also looks like our guild in RIFT has had to tighten up on invites after a member invited a stranger in. From what I can tell, no damage was done, but there are locations and passwords for group facilities, and well, that’s thankfully just a might-have-been.

And finally on TV, the BBCs new series Musketeers is deviating so far from the story that one could generate enough electricity to power the set by wiring up the perpetual motion engine that is Dumas spinning in his grave! On the other hand, E4s remake of The Tomorrow People is fun, though it may be that I just don’t remember the original very well.