It’s been fun so far, at least mostly. I’ve had Louise with me all weekend and she’s been wonderful.

We started Friday evening in the Euston Tap with drinks. In the end only 5 people showed up but was fun nevertheless. Most of us are also Ingress players so we claimed the local portal for the evening. Entertainment was provided by a high level Resistance player who goes by the handle LeJean, who tried (and at one point almost succeeded) to take it – though we did have a secret weapon in reserve, and later by a newer player Londonlime, who made a much briefer effort. Thanks to Geekylou and AgroKK for the defence.

Saturday was a quiet stay-in time. I made chili and we played games and watched movies all day. I say we, but Louise hogged the pc most of the day playing Star Trek. I got her back by drinking her beer!

Sunday was more of the same but better balanced, and also included laundry. We went out in the evening for one of Brewdog Camden’s awesome pizzas, but were told they weren’t doing them that night, so we just came home and got a takeaway pizza elsewhere. It was tasty and we had fun at home. It was also a lot cheaper.

Today, my actual birthday, I’m on my own… though I have my volunteering thing later, and then my birthday meal tonight. Meeting up at the pub first though before going to the restaurant for dinner.