So we’re going on holiday soon and well, I wanted to carry a few less cables around with us, partly to save weight (not that it’s much) but also to reduce the chances of them getting lost in the hotel room or while out and about. With all this in mind I decided to get a USB-C SD Card reader so that I could upload photos from our cameras to my tablet (Google Pixel C) and thence to this (or Lou’s blog). What a nightmare!
Category: Android
Phone Repair Blues
So it looks like I’m to be without my mobile for a couple of weeks. It’s had problems for a while and I’ve managed to narrow it down to what looks like a hardware fault.
Anyway it’s off for a warranty repair tomorrow and so I won’t be able to take or respond to messages there. If you’re reading this (which you are) then you probably have a few methods to contact me using internet based messages. I’ll still have access most of the time to Skype, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts, Steam or by email. Potentially also via Louise’s mobile if I’m with her at the time.
If you need to know exact contact details, then please contact me directly.
Thank you.
First of the first

Last month, on Black Friday, I was able to obtain a LG G Android Smartwatch for half price (Go me!), as a present for myself while in hospital. The last few days, I’ve been experimenting with creating my own watch faces using the Intellicom Watchface kit from Google Play store. And so, while I wait for lunch to finish cooking, I thought I’d showcase (read show off) a few that I’ve uploaded for sharing. (more…)
A light lunch and an update

It’s been a while since I’ve written about anything other than Minecraft – which is itself a mystery since I consider it extremely flawed, and so it’s about time I did. And so I’ll start off with lunch, for no other reason than food porn. It consists of a salmon fillet from The Saucy Fish Co., grilled and served with chilli, lime and ginger sauce, a Sainsbury’s salad, and a glass of Californian Sauvignon Blanc (also from Sainsbury’s). (more…)
Keyboard and Case

Having got fed up with fiddling with tiny keys while composing blog posts, I decided to order a MiniSuit Bluetooth Keyboard from Amazon for my tablet. Pretty cheap, easy to set up and it looks good. The biggest downside I’ve noticed so far is the lack of a £ symbol, so I guess I’ll be using the on-screen for that. Also, the CTRL key doesn’t appear to work with ConnectBot SSH client, although that could just be me needing to do some setup. (more…)