Let me start by saying this is new, and that there will likely be a load of bug fixes over then next few weeks. So any comments I make about bugs are likely to be fixed… I hope.
(more…)Category: Games
Bringing Home the Books
The continuing misadventures of Luorien the mage in Middle Earth.
It is early spring in the valley of Imladris, and a group of traders has just left, heading south to Gondor, when a message comes to the young mage Luorien to attend the library as soon as possible. Something is up!
(more…)On the difficulties of low level role playing
Some History
I have been interested in role playing games since I was very young, having first encountered it when a friend found a book about D&D. A few of us set up a game based on it with some made-up rules and a lot of misunderstandings about how it was meant to work. Later we got an actual D&D game, learned how it was meant to go, and we went on from there. At school, a few years later I encountered AD&D and widened my experience, though didn’t see it as enough of an upgrade to warrant the spend on buying it. Later I bought or was given (I honestly don’t recall which) a MERP box set. That was amazing and so different.
(more…)A Tamriel Story
Giggles-at-Miscreants staggered across the marsh. She was half starved, not having eaten in days, and parched regardless of the marsh-water lying stagnant for miles in every direction. She dare not stop however, the sounds of dogs kand worse) in the distance, ever louder, always pursuing. Always one step behind…
After the Fallout
So I have this idea… not all that new but bear with me. In the Fallout world, and the current franchise is in the past. It doesn’t matter how FO4 ended really, except the Institute survived – perhaps the Sole Survivor sided with them, or perhaps the one under CIT (Yeah I know it’s obviously MIT) wasn’t the only facility they had, maybe not even the biggest. It doesn’t matter, somehow they survived. (more…)