Getting motivated this morning was not easy. I was, for whatever reason, a lot more tired than I should have been, and when I did, and got some coffee into me, it was still slow. I managed to get done a tiny fraction of what I needed to get done today, and that was a struggle. (more…)
Weekend Reading
So this weekend we visited the lovely Katelyn in Reading, where much wine was consumed, home made pizza was made and eaten, and a whole lot of the Game of Thrones rewatch happened. So a big thanks to our hostess, who put up with my grumpiness and who fed us a lovely breakfast… We’re now almost home stopping for supper at Paddington.
Posted by Siobhán using WordPress for Android.
The Great GoT Rewatch 2014

By custom, just before the new season of “Game of Thrones” airs (this year will be season 4 and will broadcast in about 6 weeks time), I do a rewatch of the previous seasons. And today, in a reversal of my recent fortune my blu ray copy of season 3 arrived! (more…)
Food update

As you’d expect, the photographs of food in the previous post were stock from the internet. Now that I’ve started of course, I can insert my own instead. (more…)
Birthday meals and Blu Rays

Today is a friend’s birthday. If you share this friend, you’ll know this already of course (probably), though since she doesn’t share the information on the Book of Faces, I’ll not reveal her identity publicly here either, though initials are “ER”. Nevertheless, she has a day off work and is coming to visit. Later there will be food, drink and potentially wildness. Mutual friends in the area are welcome to come and share a glass or three of something celebratory in her honour, but I think we’re out of spaces for food.
Food, as it happens will be a mildly spiced dish of lamb, slow roasted with mediterranean vegetables and served with couscous and wine from the region, though let’s be honest, any good red wine is going to work here, so we’ll see what we can find. There’s a Morrisons up the road in Chalk Farm, and a Majestic just across the road from it if we get stuck. As to the rest, movies and/or music are a possibility!
The other thing on my mind to do soon is “The Great Game Of Thrones Rewatch 2014”. In previous years, I have watched the story from episode 1.01 until the most recent in advance of the new season starting. This year, as ’twill be season 4, that means I have 30 hour long episodes to watch, and perhaps blog or tweet about before that happens on or about the 7th of April. That’s just 6 weeks or so away so I’ll have to start soon. It also means I need to get my finger pulled out to order the Season 3 Blu Ray set… Of course, there are plenty of other things I want to get and watch, but until I get a job, then I’m limited to what’s reduced or on offer. Still, that’s what wish lists are for, right?