Category: Minecraft

Station Craft

I finally reached the southern village in Lou’s Minecraft world this evening! It’s the only one we’ve discovered so far, and it’s so far away to the south-west that until now the only way to get there was by boat, or through the nether which while quick can be awfully confusing, dark and relatively boring. Anyway, pics follow… (more…)

Navigating my way through Tuesday

This morning, as I sat in a waiting room full of screaming children for my appointment with an NHS nurse¹ — which was more than an hour and a half late due to traffic hold ups on the A40 — I got a phone call from a recruiter. Due to the situation, he said he’d call me back when I got home, and in what may be a first for recruiters everywhere, he did! Anyway, we spoke, discussed my employment situation and then having promised to send me a job specification for a position in The City™², he asked me to respond to the email when I get it, and hung up. (more…)

Learning a Craft

This week, Louise has been doing her best to addict me to the game of Minecraft. It started innocently enough of course, with her gifting me a licence key, and then inviting me into her world, where I am the novice of all novices. I proceeded of course to build my obsidian Evil Tower of Eviltude™ with attached Secret Underground Lair™ hidden beneath. (more…)