Category: Beer Festival

A Festival of Beer (Day 2)

Today’s excursion started out with a Schneider Weiss (Tap 4) and oddly, the same base camp as yesterday. However, today I has a Loufing with me, who’s starting out with a Spezial Hell. Unfortunately though, the F key on my keyboard is broken, so this could (read will) make life a bit awkward later.

After wandering around with some burgers, of which mine was Ostrich, and Loufing’s was Kangaroo, we found some more beer.  I had Ballard’s Wassail and Lou had a Dorking Gold which she found rather bland. Lou wanted something from the Chilterns though so a Chiltern White was her next, while I, after a couple of false starts I got a Rebellion Silly Point. A rather ordinary, though perfectly drinkable tipple.

Following this, I tried both a Captain Gingerbread from Geeves and an Opat Apricot which was gorgeous… These were a little rushed as we were heading home, and hence a short post…

However, more to come.

London Drinker

Yesterday was our visit to the London Drinker Beer Festival in Camden, my local. Louise isn’t a fan of crowds, so we decided to go early before it got busy, so that we could leave if things got on top of her. I suspect though, after seeing her get into an Augustiner Helles faster than a ferret up a Yorkshire trouser-leg, that I needn’t have worried as she got nice and mellow fairly quickly.