Category: Uncategorized

So it begins

Last week, I was commenting on how Google were going to have to up their game by next summer. The idea being that after the Nexus 4 and 5, they’d have their work cut out to make a movie standard Nexus 6…

And now we hear they bought a company that makes military robots.

My first Christmas present of 2013

This Friday, I got a brown envelope in the post. I saw it while I was on the way out (shopping I think but I don’t remember) and so I didn’t get to open it until I got home. It was from the DWP† regarding my benefits, and said roughly that they were stopping all my payments because I hadn’t returned a form they “sent me” fast enough, and that I would not be permitted to appeal this decision. Now, it goes without saying that no such form was sent to me. (more…)

A question

I don’t usually do the politics thing. I leave that for those who are better at it and who have more interest, but I do need to put this question out there. It’s aimed at the UK, but with a little translation it should work elsewhere too…

Should MPs¹ be paid according to how closely they stick to their pre-election promises to their constituents?

I think they should, based on an MP’s salary, getting a percentage of that given based on the percentage of pre-election promises kept. I know they have to toe the party line to an extent, but they are there to represent the people, not the party elite. What do you all think? Answers on a postcard, or to your local MP.

¹ Member(s) of Parliament not Military Police, just in case you were wondering.