Category: Uncategorized

Well, wasn’t that fun?

I was up with the lark this morning, or possibly even before it since Louise woke me, so that I’d be ready for this training course that Reed had organised. I got up, made coffee, showered, dressed and made-up by about 8:00. I looked good too, I think, and was out of the door by 8:30 to catch the 253 northbound. As I reached the bus stop, I notices the “Stop not in use” sign, and turned to go to the next nearest stop, to see the bus drift slowly past me. At least it wasn’t raining. (more…)

A not-so-great depression

So it was quite a low weekend, which was nobody’s fault. I think Louise spent more effort on trying to cheer me up and keep me entertained than she has in a long time, but without I am afraid, a lot of success. Such it is when depression hits me. Motivation was on holiday or something; nothing was entertaining enough, I was bored, was sick of everything and couldn’t find anything that I wanted to do. Neither movies nor games helped, nor even the nice lunch we had on Sunday. (more…)

Just a quick update

To say how much I like these L8 bursters in Ingress. I set off my first today, and it was most satisfying. I’d even go as far as to say that 8 out of 10 kerbals said their phones preferred them!