A Time of Guests

So, this weekend, we will have a houseful! Due to a misunderstanding, we have two guests this weekend where we were expecting just one. The other was meant to be next week, and so I’ve been rushing around trying to organise the flat to accommodate them. (more…)

So, a while back…

at the turn of the year, I said that I wanted to lose weight and cut down on alcohol (among other things), the plan being that cutting down the alcohol would help the weight come off quicker. Well, I did! Now, I drink roughly half as often as I did then, and when I do, I drink about half as much. Little else has changed. I don’t eat any more, nor less. I don’t take any more or even less exercise… You’d think I’d get a slow but steady loss of weight.

So why have I gained more than 5 kilos? *sigh*

Phone Repair Blues

So it looks like I’m to be without my mobile for a couple of weeks. It’s had problems for a while and I’ve managed to narrow it down to what looks like a hardware fault.

Anyway it’s off for a warranty repair tomorrow and so I won’t be able to take or respond to messages there. If you’re reading this (which you are) then you probably have a few methods to contact me using internet based messages. I’ll still have access most of the time to Skype, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts, Steam or by email. Potentially also via Louise’s mobile if I’m with her at the time.

If you need to know exact contact details, then please contact me directly.

Thank you.

More changes

So, I’ve taken the opportunity to change the theme of this blog as well as the location now. I thought it fitting considering I’ve not written fr a while, and the old layout was starting to get stale. Let me know what you think! (more…)

Did the Earth move?

Well something moved for sure, and I think it may have been me!

Actually, Louise got a new job a few weeks ago in the town of mumble-mumble, and we have found a flat nearby to move into. Because of this, the last few weeks have been rather hectic with moving us and furniture, and of course getting more! (more…)