First of the first

Last month, on Black Friday, I was able to obtain a LG G Android Smartwatch for half price (Go me!), as a present for myself while in hospital. The last few days, I’ve been experimenting with creating my own watch faces using the Intellicom Watchface kit from Google Play store. And so, while I wait for lunch to finish cooking, I thought I’d showcase (read show off) a few that I’ve uploaded for sharing. (more…)

The Wheel Turns…

As 2014 draws to an end, my thoughts turn to the new year, but also and perhaps more so, to the old year we’re just leaving. What have I achieved? What has changed in my life? All these things are important if I am to consider what changes to make for the new year. Or else, how am I to progress, time would repeat itself. (more…)

One Tram

Three for the Womble Kings under the common
Seven for the Train Lords in their halls of CrossRail
Nine for Train Drivers doomed to die
One for Boris, on his dark throne
In the land of Morden where the tramlink lies

One Tram to rule them all
One Tram to find them
One Tram to bring them all
And in South London bind them
In the land of Morden where the tramlink lies.

Happy Hogswatch

Where has this year gone? It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating the turning of the year last time, and celebrating only a few weeks later, Louise’s birthday at Kimchee. Spring was, shall we say, nothing to write home about, summer seemed to rush by and saw us take a weekend to visit Paris and Versailles, and I’m not actually sure we had an Autumn this year as Summer seemed to last well into October and segued into Winter with barely a change… like setting a music player to cross fade while playing Holst’s “The Planets”. (more…)

Your Plastic Pal Who’s Fun To Be With†

There’s one thing that really defines post-operative life, it’s dilation. It’s uncomfortable, messy and way too frequent. It’s the first thing you think of in the morning, the last thing you think of at night and well, most of your day revolves around it for at least the first few months. For me, it’s been a couple of weeks since the operation, and a week since dilation began. I have plenty more time for this. So if you’re likely to be squicked out by biological descriptions, then I’d advise not reading further. It may be NSFW too, depending on what I decide to include. (more…)