Going Underground

This afternoon, Louise and I went down into the lost world of Aldwych Station on a tour by the LT Museum. We were given an interesting talk on the history and downfall of the station, including how it was built to serve the Aldwych Theatre (but ironically came to be built on the site of the aforementioned), how it was used as storage for the British Museum in WW1, an air raid shelter in WW2 and of course, film sets and TfL training up until now. (more…)

The Rise of The Drones

In Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, the drones need you and look up to you as you log out. In Iain Banks’ Culture, drones are productive members of society with full citizenship. And in our own … the drones spend all day playing on the Drones’ Lovely Rollercoaster¹ in East London…


¹ Also known locally as the DLR