
This weekend, my partner Louise and I were visited by the lovely Katelyn from Reading (whom I met a while ago on the book of faces, and have met once since). Movies were watched, food was eaten and alcohol was consumed, as one would expect. Everyone got on well, which made me happy, and I’ve heard a rumour that snuggles might have happened too, though I couldn’t possibly comment on that, being all innocent and all. And in any case, the weather is fine this morning, no high winds, no rain, no floods or anything that’d be predicted by UKIP, so what can I say…

Actually, I can reshare this UKIP Shipping Forecast on SoundCloud, because it’s funny!

“Searching for work will be my full time occupation now”

“Searching for work will be my full time occupation now”

This is written in nice big clear letters on my job seeker’s handbook, because as everyone knows, the unemployed are lazy, feckless scroungers who need to be constantly watched and who would not even turn up to interviews unless pushed. Or at least, this is what we’re constantly told by the media and government. The reality of course is somewhat different. (more…)

Congratulations Scotland!

There’s little else to say really. Well done Scotland. Once again showing the rest of the UK how to be a modern nation.

As the Equal Opportunities Committee unanimously passes the spousal veto amendment, Scottish Transgender Alliance’s Nathan Gale reflects on why this is a victory for all LGBTI people



I had planned to write a blog post today entitled “Rogue cities and the hunt for GMDs”, which was to make reference to a certain councillor in Cambridge who has a chilli pepper production program that should breach arms treaties (assuming it doesn’t already), and GMDs (Girlfriends of Mass Destruction). However, around lunchtime I was struck with an inexplicable depression and lethargy and so it didn’t happen. I’ve barely managed to do my job searching this afternoon to be honest.

I guess I’ll write that another time, when I feel more like myself. Right now I’m way too broken to be productive.