A not-so-great depression

So it was quite a low weekend, which was nobody’s fault. I think Louise spent more effort on trying to cheer me up and keep me entertained than she has in a long time, but without I am afraid, a lot of success. Such it is when depression hits me. Motivation was on holiday or something; nothing was entertaining enough, I was bored, was sick of everything and couldn’t find anything that I wanted to do. Neither movies nor games helped, nor even the nice lunch we had on Sunday. (more…)

Just a quick update

To say how much I like these L8 bursters in Ingress. I set off my first today, and it was most satisfying. I’d even go as far as to say that 8 out of 10 kerbals said their phones preferred them!

Thanks for the upgrade!

2013-10-11 23.17.16

Tonight, while out at an Ingress event, I finally made Level 8! I wasn’t certain I’d do it, to be blunt. Recently, getting a GPS lock has been a real chore, with the scanner showing me moving while still and locked solidly in place while moving.  Added to this were the fact that I have spent about a fortnight with no in-game weapons and the inability to get more was making it look tough. And then, a most kind-hearted smurf called zedalphus blew up one of our portals not 40 metres from where I stood shivering in a bus shelter, allowing me to re-capture it and get my new level. Since this is about my most public channel, I’d like to thank zedalphus publicly here for his sterling work on behalf of the Enlightened. He (or she) has a truly green heart and should be granted Honorary Enlightened status.

As an aside, Agent GeekyLou was also able to get a new level and is (I believe), our newest level 7 agent at this time.

A fun evening was had by all, including at the Pizza Express where the food was wonderful, though not as spicy as I was hoping for, and the service was entertaining to say the least. (more…)

Close Encounters of the Kerbal Kind

2013-10-04 07.07.07
Last night, Louise brought a friend home for the weekend! His name is Jebediah, and he’s an astronaut…

Jebediah Kerman is the premier astronaut of the Kerbal Space Agency on the planet Kerbin, and is considered mad due to his all encompassing grin, even in the face of certain doom. This model was 3d printed about 3″ tall in sandstone, and looks truly amazing – except for the price, which is close to £50. And I get to have him on my desk for the weekend to help with my interplanetary (and other) endeavours.

Unfortunately, she’s taking him home on Monday.