Last night, our web-facing server crashed while attempting to update due to insufficient disc space. This morning, Louise worked to recover it from the most recent backup and we both deleted some old files and folders to create more space. Finally, the server came back online just a few minutes ago.
Category: Annoyances
Lockdown Woes
Well, we’re two weeks into the Lockdown, and we’re still more or less healthy. At least, no signs of COVID-19, which right now is the most important thing. There is a lot of frustration though, with the inability to find essentials like flour for baking; there’s not been a bag in any of our local supermarkets in a month.
(more…)On Politics
(more…)Give me your tired, your poor,
Emma Lazarus (1849–1887)
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
Berlin 2018 – 1: Preparation
This year, Louise and I are going to spend some time in Berlin. I’ve never been before (though Louise has), and it’s been several years since I’ve been out of the UK. The last was a weekend in Paris in 2014, so it’s about time.
Why does everything have to be so complicated?
So we’re going on holiday soon and well, I wanted to carry a few less cables around with us, partly to save weight (not that it’s much) but also to reduce the chances of them getting lost in the hotel room or while out and about. With all this in mind I decided to get a USB-C SD Card reader so that I could upload photos from our cameras to my tablet (Google Pixel C) and thence to this (or Lou’s blog). What a nightmare!