Giggles-at-Miscreants staggered across the marsh. She was half starved, not having eaten in days, and parched regardless of the marsh-water lying stagnant for miles in every direction. She dare not stop however, the sounds of dogs kand worse) in the distance, ever louder, always pursuing. Always one step behind…
Category: Skyrim
The French Connection

Warning: Photo heavy. On Friday 20th June, 2014 at about 2pm, Louise and I headed off to St. Pancras International for the first leg of our French Adventure 2014. We ate a lunch at the Betjeman Arms and meandered over to the check-in for Eurostar. No sooner had we got through than they announced that the train was boarding. Next stop, Paris Gare du Nord.
Weekend sickness update
Categories: Elder Scrolls, Food and Drink, Going Out, Humour, Ingress, LOTRO, Oblivion, Skyrim, Uncategorized
I think that Louise is better today. That is, she got up and went to work, and her voice sounded better. Of course, we did target most of the weekend’s efforts toward that end, giving up Ingress and social activity in favour of health. (more…)