Category: Uncategorized

Birthday Weekend

And so it begins…

I seem to have survived another whole year without falling off this planet of ours, and therefore will be dedicating this weekend to the celebration of such. This will hopefully involve drinks, meals, parties, movies, music and anything else I can fit in that’s even remotely appropriate. Possibly some things that aren’t. (more…)


So tonight I am proud.

After intensive training, the lovely Louise had her first Wetherspoons Dragon Curry (approximately vindaloo) and nommed it all up like a nominom.

So next stage is to introduce her to phaals.


Bleh! Today has not been good. I was fine earlier, though very sleepy. But since lunch (baked potato with cheese) I have been sick and headachy and just seem to be feeling worse and worse. Pretty much been immobile in bed watching recorded episodes of Horizon¹ on the telly.

Been playing some ST:O² again recently. Logged in for curiosity’s sake and found a new (to me) playable faction. Also I got Louise into it, so now we’re both playing Romulans.

And a new school term means my voluntary job is on again from tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll be fun.

¹ For non UK readers, Horizon is a pop-science documentary series from the BBC. It’s been going longer than I have I think, or close to it anyway.
² Star Trek: Online

A morning stroll through Camden

Ah, such a lovely walk, from Camden Road station, around the market and the centre of Camden, with wonderful company and just a little mischief. The Camden Enlightened crew reduced a smurf farm to rubble and made the town pretty and green again.

Thanks to all who attended.


Airships over Eve?

So today I decided to put an airship over another planet in KSP. I initially thought about Laythe, but eventually decided to send a probe to Eve because, well.. it’s (a) easier, and (b) I wanted to see if it would make returning easier.

As it happens, I landed it, and then took off and reached 25km (approx) before running out of lift from the air-bag. This was with the smallest one, so maybe a larger airship might go higher.  Something to attempt in the future.

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Anyway, it was fun, and I left the probe floating in the sea (no landing gear). The propulsion was manoeuvring thrusters, which in Eve’s atmosphere turned out to be sub-optimal, but one lives and learns.