Category: Looking for work

The Wheel Turns…

As 2014 draws to an end, my thoughts turn to the new year, but also and perhaps more so, to the old year we’re just leaving. What have I achieved? What has changed in my life? All these things are important if I am to consider what changes to make for the new year. Or else, how am I to progress, time would repeat itself. (more…)

Job Centre Blues

It would seem that each and every time that I get a new adviser¹ at the Job Centre², the requirement for filling in the job search changes. I’m not certain that they even have a standard. In the past I have been told I provide too much detail and not enough detail, that I need to be applying for more jobs, and that I make them look bad by applying for too many jobs. I have been told that I need to use Universal Jobmatch†, and also that it’s optional, and indeed on more than one occasion, that I shouldn’t be using it.  Right now, I don’t think they know either.
