I Can’t Believe They Are Doing This, It’s Disgusting.

I don’t personally play either of the games referenced here, but if it’s true, then it’s something that needs to be out there. Therefore, without judgement, I invite you to read it and judge for yourselves.

I Can’t Believe They Are Doing This, It’s Disgusting..

Imagine that you’ve slaved away at developing an app in memory of your mother. But then a big company came along, made almost an exact replica, and squashed yours into almost non-existence. Well this is exactly what happened to Albert Ransom, the man behind CandySwipe.


So, Sunday

It’s with us again, Sunday, shortest day of the week. We do plan shortly to get some lunch, and perhaps a small beer or two. After that we’ll come back here so that Louise can lie in bed and play Minecraft until it’s time for her to sleep. (more…)

So tired.

Last night, I made chilli. I used a packet mix (mostly) rather than my own recipe, and so didn’t think it would be particularly hot. However, having dived eagerly into it while I was carrying my plate, Louise informed me with a yelp that yes, it was indeed hot. At least hotter than expected.

Turned out that it was very hot. Enough to give me the itches all over in fact, which lead to scratching and indigestion and all those things. It led to a fairly sleepless night and this morning, a combination of both a painful belly (from the scratching) and tiredness. I took a photo of the belly scratches, but it doesn’t make pretty viewing so I’m not putting it here.

All this meant for a slow and uncomfortable day so far, involving more wine than I’d planned. Not completely unproductive I guess, but worse than usual. I’m planning to be out for drinks tonight too…