Somehow Tuesday has almost gone before I find time to write anything this week! I have just been so busy that I’ve barely touched the ground during the day time, what with job searching and volunteering. (more…)
Beta Invite
Yesterday I got my beta invite for Elder Scrolls Online, and downloaded. It took a while! Today I plan to create a character and start looking around, get a feel for it &c. At least, once it comes back up, since after about 8 hours of downloading, now it’s closed for maintenance, oh well! In any case, it’s covered in NDAs so if I want to be able to play for real when it goes live then I won’t be able to say much – not even post screenshots (I assume because they don’t want the UI out in the wild), though I could point to what they have published on the website – but I’ll say what I can, even if it is vague.
A record!
Yes, a new world record for sticking to a New Year resolution, not including 1920×1080 of course, this year of 6 whole days! I had decided to be more upbeat this year but circumstances have contrived to ruin it for me. (more…)
Aww, the cuteness

I got a new pet today playing Rift, and it was so cute that I had to share…
Out with the old…
The year 2013 is fired! A quick look back through my recent posts shows that I have been moaning about something or other pretty much constantly. This is going to have to change, and to some extent, so will I. I need to lose weight, get a job, probably drink a bit less. I mean, it’s not like I wasn’t trying to do those things anyway, but it’s an ongoing chore, especially the job part. It really is a full time job, trying to find a job. (more…)