About 9:30 this morning, some BT engineers arrived outside and with much noise and dust, started digging a hole outside our house. This was nothing to do with us. We’d not requested any work, but there you go. (more…)
Notwork Woes

Thoughts and ramblings of an ex-Londoner in Cambridge.
About 9:30 this morning, some BT engineers arrived outside and with much noise and dust, started digging a hole outside our house. This was nothing to do with us. We’d not requested any work, but there you go. (more…)
Day 3: My scanners have detected what seems to be a settlement of some kind. I’m going in, not much choice, if I don’t land soon then I’ll be stuck. It’s not far, and I should be able to land close. It’s the 3rd moon of the only planet in system. (more…)
Lt. Fergie Lance sat in the bar, nursing her beer. It wasn’t a bad brew, to be sure, but it just went to highlight how badly the rest of her day had gone. Another ship lost, another fine from the Federation Navy. “If only they’d let me visit the engineers” she thought, “it might have been different”. (more…)
I’d just like to ask people not to link me any YouTube content until they reverse their bigoted anti-LGBTQ stance. Being LGBTQ+ or an ally of is not “adult content”, and blocking LGBTQ+ content in the name of being “family friendly” is harmful to kids.
If they want to block adult content, then that’s fine, but they need to be more realistic about their filters. And until they do, I’d rather not be reminded that they exist.
Thank you.
Commander’s Log: 3303-02-27, Azrael (more…)