Category: Movies

Catching up…

It’s been a while since I wrote anything here so I suppose an update is well overdue. I had meant to write a few things last week, but for one reason or another, things started to get on top of me and blogging drifted slowly to the bottom of the list. Never a good thing really. Even so, it’s no excuse for absence. (more…)

Why I won’t be watching Ender’s Game

As most people who know me will be aware, I am a massive nerd. Most of you will probably be aware of what I’m about to write too, but I am certain that there will be some who are unaware of either or both of these things, and that is what makes this important. Up until recently, I was also unaware of some of this, which is probably my own fault for being so insular but that’s by the way. (more…)

A not-so-great depression

So it was quite a low weekend, which was nobody’s fault. I think Louise spent more effort on trying to cheer me up and keep me entertained than she has in a long time, but without I am afraid, a lot of success. Such it is when depression hits me. Motivation was on holiday or something; nothing was entertaining enough, I was bored, was sick of everything and couldn’t find anything that I wanted to do. Neither movies nor games helped, nor even the nice lunch we had on Sunday. (more…)

Birthday Weekend

And so it begins…

I seem to have survived another whole year without falling off this planet of ours, and therefore will be dedicating this weekend to the celebration of such. This will hopefully involve drinks, meals, parties, movies, music and anything else I can fit in that’s even remotely appropriate. Possibly some things that aren’t. (more…)