Category: Humour

The Rise of The Drones

In Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, the drones need you and look up to you as you log out. In Iain Banks’ Culture, drones are productive members of society with full citizenship. And in our own … the drones spend all day playing on the Drones’ Lovely Rollercoaster¹ in East London…


¹ Also known locally as the DLR

It started with a T

Les Misérables

Last night, when Louise arrived, I told her I’d filed my recent DVD and Blu Ray acquisitions in case she was looking for them. She asked me then whether I’d filed Les Misárables under M, to which I replied that no, I’d put it under L. She told me this was ridiculous, and that I might as well have¹ filed The Time Machine under T. I just looked dumbfounded until she realised what she’d said. (more…)


It’s very windy outside today, at least from all the way up here it is, which has probably something to do with the Olympics and Mr Putin’s status as an impromptu gay icon. At least, that’s what I get from the still-running-after-a-month #ukipweather hash tag on twitter. But I digress, it’s windy and the wind is loud up here on the 19th floor, and the rain is ratting against the windows. I had coffee but it’s gone.