Just a quickie to note that on day 7 of trying to grow chilli plants hydroponically, I have noticed sprouting in 2 of the Cayennes. It’s very difficult to see what’s going on under the growing caps there, so there might be movement in some of the others, but I don’t want to disturb them yet to find out. I will update as and when I see any changes.
Planting Season
So, planting season is upon us, at least for hardier plants and those to be grown indoors. As such, this years first planting of chillies went into a hydroponic propagator yesterday. Potting compost arrives later this week, and garlic should be into a regular propagator by the weekend.
(more…)Star Wars: Squadrons – First Impressions
Let me start by saying this is new, and that there will likely be a load of bug fixes over then next few weeks. So any comments I make about bugs are likely to be fixed… I hope.
(more…)Water Woes – Part 2
Well, that was fast. They came and replaced the boiler already! There’s one in the loft now finishing up seals and the like as I type…
Colour me impressed!
Water Woes
It would seem that we have a leaking boiler in the loft. Of course, due to it’s location, the first we knew of it was marks on the ceiling under it, but by then the case had filled up and pipes were damaged. It can all be fixed, of course, though at a not insignificant cost (ouch), but it does mean that we’re going to be without hot water until it is. What fun!