
So, I have not had the best of luck recently, as those of you who follow me regularly will be aware. What with late prescriptions, benefit issues and general bouts of depression adding to the general levity of joblessness that is my life. Now fortune appears to be reversing, at least for now. (more…)

Finding a job in IT

I left university back in 1992 with an honours degree, perhaps not the best degree ever issued, but it was a degree in computing, and added to my A and O levels, I thought it’d stand me well for a lifetime career. I had used computers at home as a hobby, and enjoyed writing code and getting the various peripherals communicating. I’d started the degree knowing that there was a lot of money in IT. My job was going to be fun, and it would pay well too. Or so I thought. (more…)

So it begins

Last week, I was commenting on how Google were going to have to up their game by next summer. The idea being that after the Nexus 4 and 5, they’d have their work cut out to make a movie standard Nexus 6…

And now we hear they bought a company that makes military robots.