Well, we’re two weeks into the Lockdown, and we’re still more or less healthy. At least, no signs of COVID-19, which right now is the most important thing. There is a lot of frustration though, with the inability to find essentials like flour for baking; there’s not been a bag in any of our local supermarkets in a month.
(more…)Election Time!

It’s that time again when the British people are subjected to an endless media barrage of propaganda, lies, smear campaigns, empty promises and images of politicians pretending to represent their constituencies. In other words, business as usual, or the lead up to a General Election. For some reason, we’re then meant to disregard the behaviours of our government since the last election and believe what they tell us now. Hrm…
(more…)Bringing Home the Books
The continuing misadventures of Luorien the mage in Middle Earth.
It is early spring in the valley of Imladris, and a group of traders has just left, heading south to Gondor, when a message comes to the young mage Luorien to attend the library as soon as possible. Something is up!
(more…)On the difficulties of low level role playing
Some History
I have been interested in role playing games since I was very young, having first encountered it when a friend found a book about D&D. A few of us set up a game based on it with some made-up rules and a lot of misunderstandings about how it was meant to work. Later we got an actual D&D game, learned how it was meant to go, and we went on from there. At school, a few years later I encountered AD&D and widened my experience, though didn’t see it as enough of an upgrade to warrant the spend on buying it. Later I bought or was given (I honestly don’t recall which) a MERP box set. That was amazing and so different.
(more…)On Politics
(more…)Give me your tired, your poor,
Emma Lazarus (1849–1887)
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.