Giggles-at-Miscreants staggered across the marsh. She was half starved, not having eaten in days, and parched regardless of the marsh-water lying stagnant for miles in every direction. She dare not stop however, the sounds of dogs kand worse) in the distance, ever louder, always pursuing. Always one step behind…
Pixel C – A love/hate story
Where to start? A few years ago, my old beloved Nexus 7 (2013 edition) gave up the ghost, so to speak, and I was in search of a new tablet. Mostly because of the Nexus 7, and because the Nexus 9 was being phased out (not to mention less good), I opted for a Google Pixel C tablet. 11″ screen, 4k resolution, aluminium case and matching keyboard… USB C connector… the works, and all for a mere king’s ransom of cash. What’s not to love? So, I won’t go to much into the tech specs of this device. Let’s just say it was then, by a long way, the best tablet on the market with any OS. (more…)
Some updates

There have been a couple of updates to the blog including a new page regarding Privacy Policy in order to comply with EU GDPR, and changes to the Moderation Policy and Feedback pages.
In other news, I am no longer using Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr nor Twitter. If you followed me on these sites and wish to remain in contact, please leave some feedback, and we can sort out other options. I’ve not gone completely dark, just limiting my exposure to data harvesting.
After the Fallout
So I have this idea… not all that new but bear with me. In the Fallout world, and the current franchise is in the past. It doesn’t matter how FO4 ended really, except the Institute survived – perhaps the Sole Survivor sided with them, or perhaps the one under CIT (Yeah I know it’s obviously MIT) wasn’t the only facility they had, maybe not even the biggest. It doesn’t matter, somehow they survived. (more…)
It’s not often a series so enthuses me that I neglect other activities to finish it. I must admit that in this case, I was drowning in these books’ memories even to the detriment of my partner. For this reason, I must warn my followers against these books…