Author: Siobhán

Internet troublemaker, consumer of red wine and chocolate.

A New Blogroll

I’ve added a blogroll as a sidebar. It’s a selection of recent posts from some of the blogs I follow. It’s organised chronologically so only the newest will appear and for now only the latest 12 are shown. If you want your blog to be added, and you write often enough for it to show up, then please let me know. Friends will get priority, but it’s not as if I have people beating at the doors.

A reciprocal link would be nice, but isn’t necessary for inclusion.

Well, wasn’t that fun?

I was up with the lark this morning, or possibly even before it since Louise woke me, so that I’d be ready for this training course that Reed had organised. I got up, made coffee, showered, dressed and made-up by about 8:00. I looked good too, I think, and was out of the door by 8:30 to catch the 253 northbound. As I reached the bus stop, I notices the “Stop not in use” sign, and turned to go to the next nearest stop, to see the bus drift slowly past me. At least it wasn’t raining. (more…)

A not-so-great depression

So it was quite a low weekend, which was nobody’s fault. I think Louise spent more effort on trying to cheer me up and keep me entertained than she has in a long time, but without I am afraid, a lot of success. Such it is when depression hits me. Motivation was on holiday or something; nothing was entertaining enough, I was bored, was sick of everything and couldn’t find anything that I wanted to do. Neither movies nor games helped, nor even the nice lunch we had on Sunday. (more…)