Category: Uncategorized


It’s very windy outside today, at least from all the way up here it is, which has probably something to do with the Olympics and Mr Putin’s status as an impromptu gay icon. At least, that’s what I get from the still-running-after-a-month #ukipweather hash tag on twitter. But I digress, it’s windy and the wind is loud up here on the 19th floor, and the rain is ratting against the windows. I had coffee but it’s gone.

I’m back!

With some tweaking and removing of mods I use least, I have finally got KSP working again, and have a rebuild of the Jool ship to orbit. It’s just a test platform at the moment, completely un-kerbaled of course. but it shows that it works and can steer.  Here are a few screenshots…

And now back to the job-searching…

Words about things.

Words have not been my friends lately, and my posts have been short and infrequent. I suppose we all have days like this, but it’s not helpful. I have ideas that I want to share, but the words wont come, they hide behind feelings, fading into a sea of emotion. Hopefully, I can finally form some kind of sense out of it all. (more…)