If there is one thing that gives me more headaches than unemployment, then it is the impending threat of HS2. It’s hard enough to find work and survive a course of NHS treatment when you have a stable home, but when you’re left uncertain as to whether your home will even exist next year, it becomes less than an optimal situation. (more…)
Streaming Media and Job Search
Not so very long ago, Amazon caused controversy when they added LoveFilm® into their Prime service, and pretty much doubling the price in the process, at least for Prime-only customers. What of those who didn’t want LoveFilm? What of those whose internet would not be up to streaming? What of those who could not afford the price hike? Well, as it happened, I was for once in a good position. My Prime subscription had renewed about a week before the price hike, and so effectively the new service would be free for almost a whole year, the best possible trial I could hope for. (more…)
Learning a Craft

This week, Louise has been doing her best to addict me to the game of Minecraft. It started innocently enough of course, with her gifting me a licence key, and then inviting me into her world, where I am the novice of all novices. I proceeded of course to build my obsidian Evil Tower of Eviltude™ with attached Secret Underground Lair™ hidden beneath. (more…)
Ooh, new glasses!

Today was eye test day, and though small there is a slight change in my prescription. Therefore, it looks like I’ll be getting new glasses next week. Woohoo! (more…)
The Lander

I finally got round to building and testing my new Mün lander in KSP. I’d been thinking about it for a while (and to be honest, this test has given me plenty of ideas for an upgrade), and today I finally got round to testing it. It needs more fuel aboard, but I can work that against mass quite easily, and eject the external tanks once it leaves the Mün. It looked pretty good and worked rather well too. (more…)