
As some of you may know, I spend a lot of time on my own. I don’t work, and am not really fit enough to get very far on my own. Louise does what she can for me, but she can’t be around all the time and so I need to entertain myself most of the time. I mean I could spend my life on a sofa watching Netflix or Amazon, but that wouldn’t really help.


Summer Holiday 2019 – Part the Sixth

Schloß Drachenburg

A few km south of Köln, lies Königswinter, and up a hill, reached by funicular railway, is Schlöß Drachenburg, a castle which is not a castle, a folly, containing fireplaces which are not fireplaces (central heating) and a pipe organ that’s not a pipe organ (tape recorder).


Summer Holiday 2019 – Part the Fourth

Schlöß Brühl

The day started with the search for breakfast. We failed. Settling for caffeinated hot beverages we headed to the station and out to Brühl to see the palaces. It was hot, the train was horribly crowded and we arrived just as the palaces were closing for lunch.


Summer Holiday 2019 – Part the Third

Farewell Bruxelles

We got up fairly early in order to get ourselves sorted for the onward journey, though check-out was not until 11, and after packing, got some breakfast in a café. It was time to bid a fond farewell to the little city. We’d had fun, but were glad to be on our way.
