Category: Movies

Jaded Vision

It would be easy to talk about Brexit or IoT as a reason to become cynical and jaded in the UK, but it wouldn’t be interesting, nor novel. There’s just way too much that’s already been said, and in any case it tends to polarise people into the pro- and anti- camps, and I don’t want to be walking that road this morning. Instead I will mention streaming video.



This weekend, my partner Louise and I were visited by the lovely Katelyn from Reading (whom I met a while ago on the book of faces, and have met once since). Movies were watched, food was eaten and alcohol was consumed, as one would expect. Everyone got on well, which made me happy, and I’ve heard a rumour that snuggles might have happened too, though I couldn’t possibly comment on that, being all innocent and all. And in any case, the weather is fine this morning, no high winds, no rain, no floods or anything that’d be predicted by UKIP, so what can I say…

Actually, I can reshare this UKIP Shipping Forecast on SoundCloud, because it’s funny!

So it begins

Last week, I was commenting on how Google were going to have to up their game by next summer. The idea being that after the Nexus 4 and 5, they’d have their work cut out to make a movie standard Nexus 6…

And now we hear they bought a company that makes military robots.